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K-12 schooling

... through a global network of schools based on progressive philosophy, built atop a novel education system framework focused on learners and learning.

If you represent a school, and want to learn more:

Re-Imagining K-12 schooling to center around learners and learning, not exams!

We are NOT building the future of Education. We are building a framework for Education (System) like it should have always been in the past - the one that's focused on learners, and learning. The "one size fits all" education system (especially around K-12) never made sense. One size only fits one (size). Period.


Also, we are switching out the cookie cutter in Education - from the one that produces identical learners, to the one that cuts out schools excelling in innovative practices. And we're positioned to do it at scale, globally!

teacher with group of kids having lesson about 3d modeling wearing VR glasses in lab..jpg

#Education first

We'll leverage technology in plentiful, but we'll still identify ourselves as an Education Company than an EdTech because #Education is our core focus, whereas technology integration is just a tool in our toolkit, not the cornerstone of our educational philosophy.

About Us

We are an Education Startup focused on addressing the problems with the current learning options for the K-12 levels.

Institutional Schools

Homeschooling and Unschooling

Online Learning / Virtual Schools

Institutional schools, such as public, private, charter, and magnet schools, often struggle with limited personal attention. The standardized curriculum may not fit all learning styles, and the focus on exams and grades can create a high-stress environment. Additionally, rigid schedules offer less flexibility compared to other education forms.

In homeschooling and unschooling, children may miss out on diverse social interactions, affecting their social skills. Parents might struggle to cover all educational areas adequately. Transitioning to traditional education systems can also be difficult for children from these non-traditional settings.

Online learning offers flexibility but can lead to feelings of isolation and requires high self-motivation. The lack of physical interaction with teachers and peers can be challenging, and technical issues may hinder learning effectiveness. Practical, hands-on experiences are also often limited in this mode of education.

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Why is scale important?

In the realm of educational reform, there have been many successful, innovative models that have significantly enhanced learning outcomes and student engagement. Yet, these models often face a critical limitation: they are usually confined to localized areas, such as a single school, district, or region. Scaling is not just an expansion but a necessary evolution to transform education at a global level.



Integrative Holistic Education

At the heart of our teaching model, we blend progressivism with constructivism, offering a holistic educational experience that centers around the student. We recognize the importance of nurturing each student's intellectual, emotional, social, and physical aspects, viewing education as a continuous, experiential process.


Evolving Education for Timeless Relevance

In our pursuit of a better education system, we emphasize the importance of evolving with time, ensuring enduring relevance. We aim to create a learning model that adapts to change while preserving its fundamental values, much like timeless legacies that have stood the test of time.


Embracing Unconventional Wisdom

Our philosophy is to embrace the unconventional, fostering an environment where innovative and diverse thinking is not just welcomed but revered. We believe that stepping off the beaten path often leads to the most extraordinary discoveries and learning experiences.


Openness in Education and Collective Growth

Our learning environment will be built on the principles of openness and collective advancement, akin to the open-source model. We believe in the power of community-shared learning and the open exchange of educational resources. Our approach ensures that our educational space is not just accessible, but also a hub for shared growth and community development.


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